Are you Winning??? – Positive thinking & Journaling with Vicki


Hiya, Vicki here today,

This week I made a ‘winning’ book! Despite being pretty happy I struggle to take the positive things I’ve done during the day and mull over the negatives instead.
Lisa generously added a little notebook as an extra mystery gift for subscribers this month to celebrate her birthday.
I’ve decided I want to use it as my ‘Winning’ book. Each day I want to make a quick note of something I’ve done. Something I should give myself a compliment for. A gold star. A thumbs up. Anything just to say ‘Yeah, You’re winning at life today’!
I’ve decorated the front using some frames cut from the papers and coloured one of the wooden ones pink. I’ve used some foam squares to add some of the cute bunny stickers on too!
I can’t wait to fill a few pages so I can keep checking back at it.
What compliment would you give yourself today?
Vicki X