TheDo you love camping ?  I do ! However this particular trip has put me off camping for a while.

So here is the story…

We usually go an a camping trip every summer with hubby’s friends.   This particular year was quite memorable as not only did we have lovely weather, we also had a not so great campsite.

I had a few photograph already printed and I thought the Summer Stories kit would be perfect to create my page.

I love using the cut apart washi strips in the kit.  They are a lovely addition to the edges of my page. The printable doilies is from my stash

We often do days out off the campsite during the day to explore the local attractions.  It is lovely to document where we went and what we did on that day.

I used one of the papers as background and covered the image that was on the page. The post it note that was included in the kit came in handy and I used it to create a list of places that we went on that camping trip.   I also loved using the stickers and stuck fun near the photograph where my hubby was being silly.

This page extends out.  So I used this to journal on why it wasn’t a great camping year for us.

I don’t just journal about the good times , sometimes it is nice to document those moments when things have not been great.   Good or bad , it is part of the memory.

I also like writing in between photos or any small space that I can write into.

You will notice that  I  love using curly arrows to point at the photograph to where the writing correlates.

I have also used some of the label/ rectangle stickers to write the name of the places that we went to.  The stickers are just a lovely addition on the photographs.

This page turned out  how I envisioned it and it was so quick to put together.

It is always nice to have a quick crafty / journal time and relive the memories of our summer.

Now, let’s hear your summer memories.  I would love to know.

Till next time !


Lots of Crafty hugs,
