As I was scrolling the photos on my phone looking for inspiration, I came across something I screenshot around 2 – 3 yers ago.

I guess I saved it because it has resonated with me at the time.

This months kit  – Stories not Stuff ,  is perfect for putting what I have saved into paper.

I would like to add something interactive into my journal and I just had the right thing in mind  – a spinning card.

Creating the spinning card

I need a blank circle card that is slightly bigger that the card I am attaching it to.

This allows for the disc to be rotated from the side .

You can use a protractor for this , but a soup bowl will work just the same.

I then measured the diameter of my circle card so I can mark the centre.

Now for the front bit, I used one of the paper in the kit to anchor and cover the circle.

I used a split pin to anchor the circle card in place. Do not put the split pin tightly as you want the disc / circle card to rotate freely.

Once I figured out the place meant of the circle card against the front cover, I cut out a window using a craft knife.

I made sure that the image and words shows  through the window as the circle card is rotated.  This took a lot of planning and figuring out for me.

I wasn’t sure whether there would be enough stickers or die cut in the kit.

So I made my own leaf stickers and washi but using a leaf stamp. I chose autumnal colours.

Decorating and writing

The window that I created was a good guide for me to place the stickers and write words in the circle card.

I used most of the stickers to decorate around the window – mainly to hide the not so good edges where I cut the window.

You know me , I always use a part of the Zine  , so I backed it with the left over card so that I can make it into a pocket later on.

I used one of the strips from the cut apart sheet in the lit to decorate the top of the window.

To attach it on my chosen page on my journal, I applied glue at the top and bottom of the base card only  as I realised that the side was very close to the edge of the circle card.

It can potentially be glued in place if I wasn’t careful.   So, I  took the cautious approach.

Finishing my page

I called this page Autumn lessons.

I had an old alphabet stickers that I really need to use – I wasn’t worried that I had different colour letters.

Surprisingly , it works!

The leaf stickers were handy as I used them to close the other edge of the card.

As mentioned earlier , I made a pocket and made a tag using the left over card as an insert.

I wrote the other ” Lessons ” that I didn’t get to write on the circle card and also wrote a letter / note to myself at the back.

It will be a lovely thing to read back and remind me of the lessons that I need to go by.

I just love how the colours are in this page and it is so cheerful !

Hopefully , this year autumn wouldn’t be so wet and gloomy- fingers crossed.

Do you have any autumn lessons that you have learned ?  I would love to know yours  and perhaps I can add them to this existing lessons.

Till next time my dear friends…

Lots of Crafty hugs…
