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Continuing with the Studio Declutter – includes video link

Hello!! I’m continuing with my studio declutter. I have just uploaded the next video in this series that I’m making. You can see the videos so far here.
Today I tackle the stationery cupboard. This big double cupboard homes all my packing materials such as Royal Mail stationery, packing bags and supplies, tape, glues and paperwork. It was so bad that items were falling out.
This is how it now looks.

The paper work is all in the cupboard next to this one organised in letter trays and my accounts now stores in a basket below that.
In this cupboard I now have the 2 larger baskets at the bag which contain the packing bags, padded envelopes and address wallets. I have all my Royal Mail sack ties in a galvanised bucket in the right. They were falling out everywhere before.
The top white basket at the front has my large tape gun, mod podge and glues. Then I have handled baskets below with paints so they easily pull out.
I bought a pocket hanger to put on the inside of my door to hold the stationery/tags/stickers that I use daily so they are easy to find.
Whilst clearing out my husband was in the other room shredding. I have my business bank statements going to back to 2003 that I really don’t need anymore and various other paperwork. Plus I had also kept things like plastic packing wallets each time I received a scrapbooking delivery and I just had silly amounts. So I was able to clear lots away and get shot of in the recycling bin.
It feels so good to be getting organised again and giving everything a proper home. I’m finding that by using baskets to store things hopefully it will stay tidier this time so things can’t fall over or spill out over to the other areas.
I’m now waiting for a BIG delivery of more baskets to continue the declutter and reorganising of my studio.
On a personal note, I reorganised my fridge this week. Even my fridge has plastic baskets now and I LOVE it!!
Let me know if you are Spring cleaning too. I’d love to know : )
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