28 03, 2016

Planning on the Go

By |2017-05-26T04:04:27+01:00March 28th, 2016|Creative, Planners & Staying Organised|1 Comment

      Today we are planning on the go. It's important that for my life and family to run smoothly, I need to be organised and I find by using my planner I can achieve this more easily. However, sometimes finding the time to sit down with my planner and organise in advance can [...]

14 03, 2016

March Planning with Printables

By |2017-05-26T04:04:28+01:00March 14th, 2016|Creative, DIY, Kit Inspiration, Planners & Staying Organised, Tutorials|0 Comments

Another Monday, another page in my planner. We've got some good stuff coming up in our house this week. It's our wedding anniversary today, my birthday at the weekend and we are going to see my family plus our family favourite, Modern Family starts again tonight....Yay!! Oh and it's kit packing week too. So much [...]

3 03, 2016

DIY – There’s a bunny in my planner!!

By |2017-05-26T04:04:28+01:00March 3rd, 2016|Creative, DIY, Kit Inspiration, Planners & Staying Organised, Tutorials|0 Comments

I'm slightly in love with our 'Peekaboo' bunny from Laura Lee Designs this month. He's so adorable. Today I am making a dashboard for my planner as you can see from the photo above, but what I like about this dashboard is that it's wipeable,  so you can scribble on a message but then wipe it [...]

22 02, 2016

Today’s List & Making Easy Planner Clips

By |2017-05-26T04:04:28+01:00February 22nd, 2016|Creative, DIY, Kit Inspiration, Planners & Staying Organised, Tutorials|0 Comments

When I originally planned these lists for the February Kits I had 'lovely' things in mind. The idea being.....you would write down some lovely things to do amidst all the usual mundane jobs. But what have I done??? I've written down boring jobs on my lists today. That's not what I had in mind : [...]