25 06, 2016

June Kit – Making a Travelers Notebook

By |2017-05-26T04:04:22+01:00June 25th, 2016|Creative, DIY, Kit Inspiration, Planners & Staying Organised, Tutorials, You Tube|3 Comments

Today I am taking some of the pieces from the June 'Wild Adventures' Kit to make this Travelers Notebook'. I really enjoy these notebooks. I keep one in my handbag and use for all kinds of things. I have a full video of me making this notebook on YouTube here. It's really fun and very [...]

12 06, 2016

Planning with Simple Stories & New Pens

By |2017-05-26T04:04:25+01:00June 12th, 2016|Creative, Inspiration, Planners & Staying Organised, You Tube|0 Comments

Monday being the start of the week, this for me means getting my planner set up for the week.....exciting!! To make this weeks planning even more exciting I have a new set of pens. Nothing sweeter than a new stationery buy. I bought them in WHSmiths. They are just £7.99 in store, but £9.99 online here. [...]