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A Trip Down Memory Lane for guest Designer Philippa
A Trip Down Memory Lane for guest Designer Philippa
I’m super excited to be guest designing for Lollipop Box Club using the Alice’s Tea Party kit in collaboration with Bramble Fox.

I started by thinking about all the special occasions when I’ve enjoyed tea and cake and probably the most memorable was the vintage tea party we hosted for my eldest daughter’s 21st…ten years ago!!!

This set me off on a trip down memory lane and I started by using the Bramble Fox stencil included in the kit to add texture to my cardstock that I’d prepped with water colour. Time really has flown by!!


Everything then just came together! I fussy cut the flowers and ‘follow your heart’, the tiny key reminded me that years ago you were given the key of the door at 21!! I love the little sign posts because over the course of ten years my daughter’s followed lots of paths! I also snuck in some BF perspextives!
Philippa x
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